Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Canada's fabulous health care in action

Wait, universal health care leads to overcrowded hospitals and long waits? Who could have predicted that?!

Calgary hospitals too full for Sask. patient: health region

The Calgary Health Region is defending its decision to deny the transfer of a frail Saskatchewan patient to one of its hospitals for specialized care.

Both the man's family and his frustrated doctor say the health system failed Jack Hintz, 85, who died last month, but the region said its hospitals were simply too full.
The region said it could not safely accept any patient transfers because its three adult hospitals were over capacity, with long waits in the emergency departments and a high number of patients already waiting for hospital beds.

1 comment:

  1. As working for a Toronto life insurance company I know that this question is getting more and more burning. I wouldn`t say that it`s necessarily the consequence of having universal health care. So many people tend to misunderstand this thing and try to lay to charge of everything on the insurance plan. However it needs to be studied more profoundly because other essential facts interact to that process.
