Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Obama set to lower our standing in the world

So, how's Obama doing in his quest to "improve our standing in the world?"

Well, let's take a look at 2 headlines today from the Financial Times:

EU issues warning over Buy America plan

The European Union has warned of possible trade litigation against the US if Washington presses ahead with a Buy American provision in its forthcoming economic stimulus bill.

EU officials have expressed concern that the requirement for companies to use US steel and manufacturing products in projects funded by the bill could encourage a wave of protectionist measures from other countries.

The European Commission says it will examine any legislation to determine whether it violates a World Trade Organisation treaty signed by the US, EU and Japan. Signatories of the Government Procurement Agreement must open government contracts to foreign companies.
Is Obama set to start a trade uproar with global implications?

India warns Obama over Kashmir

India has warned US President Barack Obama that he risks “barking up the wrong tree” if he seeks to broker a settlement between Pakistan and India over the disputed territory of Kashmir.

MK Narayanan, India’s national security advisor, said that the new US administration was in danger of dredging up out of date Clinton administration-era strategies in a bid to bring about improved ties between the two nuclear armed neighbours.

...“It’s possible that at this time there are elements, perhaps in the administration who are harking back to the pre-2000 era.”
Some countries DON'T want to go back to the pre-2000 era?! This must be shocking news to liberals!

Two things Bush never got credit for (among MANY) - our leadership in free trade and improved relations with India - that Obama is trying to reverse.

That's certainly change, but hope it ain't.

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