Be sure to check back for frequent updates on the goings on at the conference!

New Challenges in the Culture War
Regency Ballroom
Rep. Chris Smith (NJ)*
Dr. Janice Crouse, The Beverly LaHaye Institute
Mat Staver, Liberty Counsel and Liberty University School of Law
Moderator: Marjorie Dannenfelser, Susan B. Anthony List
My passion is social issues
Sarah Palin Unplugged on the Media Video Interview
Diplomat Ballroom
Sponsored by "Media Malpractice" Movie
Speaker: John Ziegler and special guest
Open to all CPAC attendees/Tickets enclosed in CPAC registration bags
EMCEE: Martha Zoller, WDUN
John Zielger is AWESOME at taking down liberals in the media when he's on their shows. Check out How Obama Got Elected to see his interviews and more info on the movie.
Al Franken and ACORN: How Liberals are Destroying the American Election System
Ambassador Ballroom
Hans von Spakovsky, The Heritage Foundation
Heather Heidelbaugh, Republican National Lawyers Association
Mark Braden, former RNC chief counsel
Moderator: Cleta Mitchell, American Conservative Union Foundation
This is a HUGE issue that needs to be addressed and corrected
Targets of the Fairness DoctrineRegency Ballroom
Joe Scarborough
Roger Hedgecock
Tucker Carlson
Introductions: Seton Motley, Media Research Center
Big fan of all three panelists, will be interested to see what they have to say
Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award
Empire Ballroom
Sponsored by Accuracy in Media
Speaker: M. Stanton Evans
Refreshments Served
Open to All CPAC attendees
I love M. Stanton Evans' book The Theme is Freedom had a big impact in my development as a conservative, especially my interest in the Founding Fathers and the strict construction of the Bill of Rights and Constitution. Plus: REFRESHMENTS SERVED!
Youth for Western Civilization Inaugural Reception
Palladian Ballroom
Sponsored by Morgan Knull and The American Cause
Speakers: Rep.Tom Tancredo, Bay Buchanan, Pat Buchanan (invited)
Host Bar
Open to all CPAC attendees
Tancredo! The Buchanans! Open Bar!
We'll see what I actually end up going to ...
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